Concept Alpha
de Rouyn-Noranda
Our mission is to offer to our clientele a personalized and individual training for their reading, writing, conversation, numeracy or computer skills

Brief history

Corporation Concept Alpha of Rouyn-Noranda was founded in January 2001. It was born from the need to help people who want to improve their their French skills (reading, writing, communication) or numeracy skills.

With a desire to take these people out of their isolation by becoming familiar with the words, Concept Alpha became a place of training and support for adults 16 years old and over, and this, through a personalized path and in a context less institutional.

Groupe personnes francisation


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Who are we?

Corporation Concept Alpha of Rouyn-Noranda is a non-profit organization, recognized and funded by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur. It is a resource for people aged 16 and over, from Rouyn-Noranda, who wish to receive personalized to meet their needs.

Through our training we develop tools and an approach adapted to the needs and expectations of each person. We offer custom training plans in learning to read, write, speak, calculate or computer/digital which are all essential elements in everyday life. Our job is to support you during your training and in your progress. We help you fill in your gaps and develop your skills. These achievements will allow you to solve the problems you face everyday: read a newspaper or emails, understand a dosage, fill a form by hand or electronically, help his children in their learning, use an ATM, etc.

Our services, offered in a non-institutional setting, are aimed at all those who wish to improve their skills individually or in small groups. You come on a voluntary basis, out of a desire to learn. Our courses, offered in a flexible program and closer to the person, allow you to review the knowledge acquired in the past and stimulate your interest:

  • for tests passation (such as the General Development Test, TDG), a return to school or for more advanced studies;
  • to join the job market or increase your chances of advancement with your employer;
  • to have the opportunity to intergrate and get involved in your environment, and thus find more autonomy.
Groupe formateurs et participants

Roles of the trainer

Convey through their acquired knowledge and creatively the knowledge necessary to achieve the learner's objectives 

Establish a supportive relationship

Foster enriching experiences

Be on the lookout and curious about the constant evolution of knowledge

Make people autonomous by guiding them in their learning

Always remain sensitive to the difficulties encountered by the participants and support them so that they can overcome them


  • It leads you to progress in writing, reading, speaking, calculating, etc.
  • It will allow you to acquire autonomy, develop self-knowledge and self-esteem in order to better take your place in society.
  • An individualized program is elaborate that considers your level of learning and your availability.
  • Whatever the degree, you learn at your own pace and according to your needs.

Useful links

Logo livre

French Learning

  • French learning is for people of all nationalities who want to improve their oral and/or written French.
  • Our approach is based on conversation and oral comprehension, and we adapt to your needs.
  • Step by step, this learning process will lead you to functional French and, consequently, to better integration and inclusion in your host society.
  • We can also help you pass the Test de connaissance du français (TCF), the exam required to obtain permanent residency in Quebec.

Useful links

Participant lisant un texte


Accompaniment is a service we offer if you wish to obtain an equivalence or enroll in an educational institution.

In this sense, we offer support for the following exam:

  • Test de développement général (TDG)

We will work together to get you to pass these exam that will allow you to move forward on your personal journey and achieve your goals.

Participantes lisant un texte


Do you want to become a volunteer?

Please complete the form and return it to us by email or in person.

Note that you must have adequate knowledge of the French language to be a volunteer in our organism.

Contact information

210, 9e rue, #110
Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 2C2
Phone : 819 797-4208
Fax : 819 797-4769

Business hours *
Monday : 9 AM to 12 PM / 1:30 PM to 4 PM
Tuesday : 9 AM to 12 PM / 1:30 PM to 4 PM
Wednesday : 9 AM to 12 PM / 1:30 PM to 4 PM
Thursday : 9 AM to 12 PM / 1:30 PM to 4 PM
Friday : 9 AM to 12 PM / 1:30 PM to 4 PM

* In order to accommodate certain people who can not get away during our opening hours, we exceptionally offer the possibility of registering for evening courses.
Please check our availability.

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